Author Index:
Adams, C.
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Adeeyo, S.
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Agius, P.
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Agnew Davies, R.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Ahn, R.
Addressing human trafficking as a health care priority
Aiken, N.
Abuse and neglect of older adults: What we are learning, why it is important to our work, and how we can translate it into our practice
Akers, A. A.
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
Alexander, K.
A double-edged sword: Gender-based violence and HIV among vulnerable women in the United States
Allen, R. H.
Reproductive coercion: Identification and intervention in the clinical setting - current practice and future directions
Alpert, E. J.
Addressing human trafficking as a health care priority
Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults: a health care & human rights challenge
Career and leadership development in the field of violence and abuse
Alvarado, S. M.
Mobilizing the Latino community: The promotora model
Amezcua-Mazzei, N. V.
Mental health and substance use coercion: Results of two focus surveys and implications for clinical and advocacy practice
Anderson, H. A.
Client perspectives on brochure-based intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion intervention in clinical settings
Balancing safety and retention: Strategies to reduce attrition in IPV research
Anderson, J.
A double-edged sword: Gender-based violence and HIV among vulnerable women in the United States
The impact of traumatic brain injury: Screening protocol and response for medical and advocacy services
Antkowiak, L.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Arculeo, H.
Addressing the effects of violence and abuse to improve health outcomes for women living with HIV
Armstrong, E. M.
Addressing intimate partner violence and substance use: The importance, challenges, and innovations in �contested spaces�
Arnold, R.
Provider response to disclosure of intimate partner violence: So are you safe from this guy?
Ateah, C.
The healing journey: The relationship of intimate partner violence to mental health issues
Ateah, C. A.
A comparison of abused women and non-abused women on mothering behaviors and responses with children
Babins-Wagner, R.
You're not alone: An evaluation of the mental health outcomes of therapy groups for abused women
Bacchus, L. J.
Perinatal home visiting nurse led interventions for violence against women
Bailey, J.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Balaiah, D.
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Balate, A.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Ball, B.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
Baptista, A.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Barnes, R. F. W.
Recent partner violence, sexual relationship power, and STIs among methamphetamine-using women: Does type of sexual partner matter?
Bass, D.
Addressing family violence across the lifespan through an innovative healthcare program
Battala, M.
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Beaulieu, M.
Project Connect Maryland: A project to integrate screening and a brief counseling intervention for intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion into Title X family planning programs. implementation, evaluation and systems change
Integrating intimate partner violence (IPV) training into the medical education of current and future obstetricians/gynecologists
Educating medical students on screening and brief counseling for IPV/reproductive coercion: An interactive training module for medical students during the obstetrics & gynecology clerkship
Beebe, R.
Chart: A collaborative statewide mobilization project to engage health and mental health organizations in excellence in domestic violence healthcare response
Bent-Goodley, T.
Preventing the second rape: responding to survivors of sexual violence on college campuses
Bergin, A. E.
The impact of traumatic brain injury: Screening protocol and response for medical and advocacy services
Bergmann, J. N.
Highlites: Highlighting the importance of getting help while living in traumatic environments among stimulant-using women
Berman, H.
Promoting health through collaborative engagement with youth: Overcoming, resisting, and preventing structural violence
Intersections of violence and health in the lives of homeless and street-involved youth
Biggar, H.
Building bridges, breaking down walls: Strategies for collaborating across mental health and advocacy to support children exposed to domestic violence
Biradavolu, M.
Violence experienced across personal and work related contexts among female sex workers in andhra pradesh, India: Relation to sexual risk for HIV
Blachman-Demner, D.
Health related correlates of teen dating violence over time
Blachman-Demner, D.
Federal research opportunities for health and domestic violence
Blackburn, S.
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Blackeye, D.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Bland, P. J.
Mental health and substance use coercion: Results of two focus surveys and implications for clinical and advocacy practice
Blankenship, K. M.
Violence experienced across personal and work related contexts among female sex workers in andhra pradesh, India: Relation to sexual risk for HIV
Blevins, B.
Talking to sexually abused children about healthy sex
Blodgett, C.
Plenary (concurrent): Moving from Adversity to Awesome: Uncovering ACEs and Child Trauma
Bloom, T. L.
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Friends, not bystanders: Developing relevant outcome measures for myplan, a smartphone-accessible safety decision aid app to help college students support a friend in an abusive intimate relationship
Blount, J.
Addressing the effects of violence and abuse to improve health outcomes for women living with HIV
Bolger, D.
Plenary: From Headlines to Action: Sustaining the Momentum to End Sexual Assault in College
Bonomi, A.
The intersection between popular culture and female identity, violence victimization, and related health risks
Borrero, S.
Association between intimate partner violence and homelessness risk, unhealthy alcohol use, and risk of unintended pregnancy
Bossemeyer, D.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Boyce, C. A.
Federal research opportunities for health and domestic violence
Boynton-Jarrett, R.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Brahmbhatt, H.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Brandl, B.
Responding to older victims of abuse and neglect
Brandl, B.
Our futures without violence : Abuse later in life
Broomfield, J.
A. diffusion of innovation: Department of veterans affairs' pilot project to disseminate IPV programs in women's health clinics through mentoring
Veterans and IPV: Developing and implementing a psychosocial rehabilitation approach in the veterans health administration
Brouwer, K. C.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
Brown, H. L.
Tillamook county safer futures project: Creating a holistic health response to IPV
Brown, P. B.
An intersectional approach to IPV prevention: CDC�s DELTA FOCUS project and the social determinants of health approach
Brown, R.
You mean there isn't a magic wand? exploring challenges and generating solutions for supporting children and parents exposed to domestic violence
Building bridges, breaking down walls: Strategies for collaborating across mental health and advocacy to support children exposed to domestic violence
Utilizing TF-CBT TG to treat traumatic grief due to domestic violence:
Brown, S.
The lethality assessment program: Results from a quasi-experimental field trial and implications for health care
Browne, A. J.
The aboriginal women's intervention study (AWI)
Innovative responses to structural violence among vulnerable populations: Integrating trauma- and violence-informed care into routine primary health care practices
Broyles, L.
Association between intimate partner violence and homelessness risk, unhealthy alcohol use, and risk of unintended pregnancy
Buccieri, K.
Intersections of violence and health in the lives of homeless and street-involved youth
Bullock, L.
Perinatal home visiting nurse led interventions for violence against women
Burke Harris, N.
Plenary (concurrent): Moving from Adversity to Awesome: Uncovering ACEs and Child Trauma
Burke, J. G.
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
Burroughs, K.
Families thrive, a local system-wide approach addressing children exposed to domestic violence and trauma � an innovative approach to building partnerships that last
Burton, C. W.
Career and leadership development in the field of violence and abuse
Project connect: Routine screening for IPV and reproductive coercion
The embody study: A biobehavioral study of teen dating violence
Calhoun, Y.
Simple trauma-sensitive yoga for vicarious trauma and for therapeutic use with clients/patients
Campbell, J.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
Campbell, J.
A double-edged sword: Gender-based violence and HIV among vulnerable women in the United States
The lethality assessment program: Results from a quasi-experimental field trial and implications for health care
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
The impact of traumatic brain injury: Screening protocol and response for medical and advocacy services
Canas, E.
Promoting health through collaborative engagement with youth: Overcoming, resisting, and preventing structural violence
Carr, I.
Pathways to reduced depression: Self-efficacy and family-doctor support mediate counseling outcomes for women who have experienced intimate partner violence
Castellon Quiroga, D.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Chadwick, M.
Dying to know: The importance of strangulation inquiry in healthcare settings
Co-occurring cycles of violence: Risk assessment and safety planning around violence against women in the context of community/ gang violence
Chaffee, T.
Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults: a health care & human rights challenge
Chang, J.
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
Chang, J.
Provider response to disclosure of intimate partner violence: So are you safe from this guy?
Chehimi, S.
Affordable care act: Opportunities to prevent violence
Cheng, D.
Integrating intimate partner violence (IPV) training into the medical education of current and future obstetricians/gynecologists
Chiang, L.
Sexual violence prior to age 18, gender norms and help-seeking behaviors among girls and young women. findings from violence against children survey in Kenya
Chiang, S.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Chiodo, D.
Parallel developmental trajectories of teen dating violence and recent alcohol use
Which dating violence primary prevention programs have demonstrated effectiveness through research?
Choi, H.
Parallel developmental trajectories of teen dating violence and recent alcohol use
Choi, S. J.
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Chon, K.
Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults: a health care & human rights challenge
Chopel, A.
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Chou, B.
Educating medical students on screening and brief counseling for IPV/reproductive coercion: An interactive training module for medical students during the obstetrics & gynecology clerkship
Ciaravino, S.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Emergence of gender inequitable practice in adolescence
Clark, C. J.
Cultural conundrums in conducting gender-based violence research: Case studies from the middle east, south asia, and central asia
Clark, D.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Clark, E.
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Clark, L. E.
Reproductive coercion: Identification and intervention in the clinical setting - current practice and future directions
Cline, R.
Riding tandem on our pathway to prevention
Clough, A.
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Friends, not bystanders: Developing relevant outcome measures for myplan, a smartphone-accessible safety decision aid app to help college students support a friend in an abusive intimate relationship
Cohen, L.
Affordable care act: Opportunities to prevent violence
Colarossi, L.
Associations among past and current intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination characteristics
Coles, M.
Project peer: Serving women with mental health issues and/or developmental disabilities who have experienced sexual and/or domestic violence
Connolly, M. T.
Our futures without violence : Abuse later in life
Copp, J. E.
Complicating the IPV-health link: The role of relationship context
Corcoran, C.
Preventing the second rape: responding to survivors of sexual violence on college campuses
Correia, D. M.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Corwin, D. L.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma informed care: New developments and approaches
Cotton, B.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Crawford, L. K.
Going beyond the �are you currently pregnant?� question at domestic violence shelter intake: The impact of assessment for reproductive coercion on staff/client relationships and client health outcomes
Project connect: Routine screening for IPV and reproductive coercion
Cuevas, C. A.
Evaluating the impact of dating violence and polyvictimization on clinical symptomatology among Latino youth
The process of help-seeking: Creation of a measure
Cutbush, S.
Middle school matters to prevent teen dating violence
Czarnogorski, M.
A. diffusion of innovation: Department of veterans affairs' pilot project to disseminate IPV programs in women's health clinics through mentoring
Dabby, C.
Our futures without violence : Abuse later in life
Dado, D.
Provider response to disclosure of intimate partner violence: So are you safe from this guy?
Darnell, D.
Plenary: From Headlines to Action: Sustaining the Momentum to End Sexual Assault in College
Daruwalla, N. M.
An evaluative framework for assessment of interventions for survivors of domestic violence in Mumbai, India
Das, M.
Adaptation of sport model: From Coaching Boys Into Men in USA to Parivartan in India
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Dasgupta, A.
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Engaging men in gender equity focused interventions to improve sexual and reproductive health: Findings from India and the US
Davis, K.
Project peer: Serving women with mental health issues and/or developmental disabilities who have experienced sexual and/or domestic violence
Davis, L.
Plenary (concurrent): Moving from Adversity to Awesome: Uncovering ACEs and Child Trauma
Davis, M.
Plenary (concurrent): Moving from Adversity to Awesome: Uncovering ACEs and Child Trauma
Dayal, R.
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Decker, M. R.
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Balancing safety and retention: Strategies to reduce attrition in IPV research
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Associations among abuse, reproductive health history and contraceptive method use
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Decker, M. R.
Gender based violence and HIV: Intersections and implications for practice in health care and advocacy settings
Project Connect Maryland: A project to integrate screening and a brief counseling intervention for intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion into Title X family planning programs. implementation, evaluation and systems change
Sexual and reproductive health indicators of sexual minority women exposed to intimate partner violence
An innovative gender-based violence intervention for women who trade sex, are sexually exploited, and/or trafficked
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Delaney, S.
Chart: A collaborative statewide mobilization project to engage health and mental health organizations in excellence in domestic violence healthcare response
Delgado, D. R.
Chart: A collaborative statewide mobilization project to engage health and mental health organizations in excellence in domestic violence healthcare response
Detweiler, S.
Rooming alone: A process for identifying and assessing victims of domestic violence during OB/GYN office visits
Diamond-Smith, N.
Associations between food insecurity and intimate partner violence in a nationally representative sample from Nepal
Dichter, M. E.
Association between intimate partner violence and homelessness risk, unhealthy alcohol use, and risk of unintended pregnancy
Detection and documentation of intimate partner violence victimization among women patients
A. diffusion of innovation: Department of veterans affairs' pilot project to disseminate IPV programs in women's health clinics through mentoring
Patient-centered care for interpersonal violence in the veterans health administration: Screening, counseling, and engagement with care
Dick, R.
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Project connect: Public health partnerships to prevent violence against women
The acceptability of offering emergency contraception to domestic violence shelter clients
Native women's experiences with partner violence and reproductive coercion: A pilot project's findings
Promoting adolescent health through school connectedness: Pcadv�s project connect 2.0 adolescent health promotion model
DiGiovanni, S.
Partnering for protection: How medicine, mental health and public health address childhood exposure to violence
Dills, J.
An intersectional approach to IPV prevention: CDC�s DELTA FOCUS project and the social determinants of health approach
A conceptual framework for understanding and addressing inequities in risk for violence: Examples from CDC�s division of violence prevention
Disney, L.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
DiVietro, S.
Chart: A collaborative statewide mobilization project to engage health and mental health organizations in excellence in domestic violence healthcare response
Doherty, K. A.
Chicago's medical response collaborative: A model for improving the health systems response to domestic violence
Draper Douthit, T.
Removing barriers: Bringing health services to a domestic violence agency
Duplessis, V.
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Domestic Violence Health Care Partnership grantee meeting
Health assessment as safety planning: Integrating reproductive health into domestic violence programs
Project connect: Public health partnerships to prevent violence against women
The acceptability of offering emergency contraception to domestic violence shelter clients
Dutton, M. A.
Thinking about trauma in the context of DV: Complex trauma, collective trauma, ongoing risk
Eagle Bear-Burbank, V.
Children exposed to violence: Promising practices and cultural considerations
Eaton, A.
The intersection between popular culture and female identity, violence victimization, and related health risks
Eden, K.
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
El-Bassel, N.
Intimate partner and gender-based violence among HIV-positive women in Kazakhstan
Ellsberg, M.
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Ellyn, L.
Abuse and neglect of older adults: What we are learning, why it is important to our work, and how we can translate it into our practice
English, A.
Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults: a health care & human rights challenge
Erausquin, J. T.
Violence experienced across personal and work related contexts among female sex workers in andhra pradesh, India: Relation to sexual risk for HIV
Eshilian-Oates, L.
Suspected child abuse and neglect and intimate partner violence team collaboration: An innovative collaboration within multiple medical centers
Eshilian-Oates, L.
Essentials of an intimate partner violence screening protocol for pregnant women within a healthcare setting
Eubanks, C.
How to refer a client with an unintended pregnancy
Evans, K.
Plenary: Shining the Spotlight on Violence as a Social Determinant of Health
Evans, M. A.
Title: Women's experience of meaningful change following domestic abuse: A longitudinal qualitative study nested in a trial of a specialist psychological advocacy intervention, the PATH trial
Fairchild, E.
Identifying and assessing for trauma and violence in children and youth
Enhancing practice for community health and youth workers to address children�s exposure to violence
Fairley, K. M.
Gender based violence and HIV: Intersections and implications for practice in health care and advocacy settings
Trauma-informed birth support for pregnant survivors of abuse: Bridging a doula & advocate partnership
Falkenburger, E.
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Falvey, E.
Addressing the effects of violence and abuse to improve health outcomes for women living with HIV
Gender based violence and HIV: Intersections and implications for practice in health care and advocacy settings
Fan, A. Z.
Sexual violence prior to age 18, gender norms and help-seeking behaviors among girls and young women. findings from violence against children survey in Kenya
Fang, N.
Project connect: Public health partnerships to prevent violence against women
Feder, G. S.
The critical role of theory and qualitative methods in the development and evaluation of complex interventions for intimate partner violence in health care settings
Title: Women's experience of meaningful change following domestic abuse: A longitudinal qualitative study nested in a trial of a specialist psychological advocacy intervention, the PATH trial
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Fehringer, J.
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Felitti, V. J.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma informed care: New developments and approaches
Ferrari, G.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Feuer, C. N.
Understanding barriers to safe and confidential health care: Where we are, where we hope to go, and how each of us can play a role in the policy-changing process
Fisher, C.
Project change: A collaborative approach to improving health outcomes of polyvictims in d.c
Fleck-Henderson, A.
�Consciousness raising� as a tool in domestic violence work. the personal is still political
Flowers, D. R.
Suspected child abuse and neglect and intimate partner violence team collaboration: An innovative collaboration within multiple medical centers
Fonseka, R.
The relationship between adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence perpetration among Sri Lankan adult males: Exploring data from the united nations' multicountry study on men and violence in asia and the Pacific
Ford-Gilboe, M.
Global research collaboration to adapt and evaluate an internet and smartphone accessible safety decision aid intervention on survivor safety and health
The aboriginal women's intervention study (AWI)
Innovative responses to structural violence among vulnerable populations: Integrating trauma- and violence-informed care into routine primary health care practices
Forsdike, K.
Learning from the development and implementation of an educational programme for family doctors to provide care for women exposed to intimate partner violence
Fowler, D.
Interventions that address intimate partner violence and HIV among women: A systematic review
Frail, M. A.
What matters? how women decide whether to disclose IPV in antenatal care
Frankel, R.
Provider response to disclosure of intimate partner violence: So are you safe from this guy?
Freire, K. E.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Implementation of evidence-based violence prevention strategies: Examining how stakeholders use implementation data for program improvement and development
Fujimoto, K.
Recent intimate partner violence and HIV risk factors among methamphetamine-using men and women in San Diego, California
Fukuda, M.
Promising Futures: Supporting Children and their Mothers Experiencing Domestic Violence
Gallant, C.
Partnering providers: Dsv and WIC
Garcia-Moreno, C.
New evidence and tools from the World Health Organization for addressing intimate partner and sexual violence
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Gerber, M. R.
Veterans and IPV: Developing and implementing a psychosocial rehabilitation approach in the veterans health administration
Gerlock, A. A.
Detection and documentation of intimate partner violence victimization among women patients
Ghule, M.
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Giacci, E.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Native women's experiences with partner violence and reproductive coercion: A pilot project's findings
Gielen, A.
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Gilbert, L.
Cultural conundrums in conducting gender-based violence research: Case studies from the middle east, south asia, and central asia
Effects of a computerized service tool to address IPV among justice-involved women: Results from randomized controlled trial (WINGS)
Highlites: Highlighting the importance of getting help while living in traumatic environments among stimulant-using women
Gilbert, P.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Gilkerson, B.
Promoting adolescent health through school connectedness: Pcadv�s project connect 2.0 adolescent health promotion model
Trauma-informed birth support for pregnant survivors of abuse: Bridging a doula & advocate partnership
Gingerich, A.
Addressing the intersection of domestic violence and mental health in rural and urban communities
Glass, N.
Global research collaboration to adapt and evaluate an internet and smartphone accessible safety decision aid intervention on survivor safety and health
An innovative gender-based violence intervention for women who trade sex, are sexually exploited, and/or trafficked
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Friends, not bystanders: Developing relevant outcome measures for myplan, a smartphone-accessible safety decision aid app to help college students support a friend in an abusive intimate relationship
Livestock/animal assets buffer the impact of conflict-related traumatic events on mental health symptoms for rural women
Gleaves, A.
Preventing the second rape: responding to survivors of sexual violence on college campuses
Goldblatt Grace, L.
Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults: a health care & human rights challenge
Goldenberg, S.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Goldsborough, J.
The acceptability of offering emergency contraception to domestic violence shelter clients
Goldsborough, J.
The evolution of a hospital-based intimate partner violence [IPV] task force into a inter-professional collaborative practice for educating and engaging providers
Gomez, M. G. R.
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
Gordon, J.
Identifying and assessing for trauma and violence in children and youth
Gordon, L. A.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Gottlieb, A. S.
Reproductive coercion: Identification and intervention in the clinical setting - current practice and future directions
Grady, J.
You mean there isn't a magic wand? exploring challenges and generating solutions for supporting children and parents exposed to domestic violence
Gray, R.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Groves, A. K.
Violence experienced across personal and work related contexts among female sex workers in andhra pradesh, India: Relation to sexual risk for HIV
Grundy, P.
Plenary (concurrent): A New Standard of Care: the ACA and Opportunities for Violence Response
Guedes, A.
New evidence and tools from the World Health Organization for addressing intimate partner and sexual violence
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Guy, L.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Gwinn, C. G.
From risk assessment to health advocacy:addressing health needs in domestic violence collaboratives
He more than choked her: Identifying, Examining, and documenting strangulation patients
Hailey, C.
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Halstead, V.
Routine screening for intimate partner violence in healthcare facilities: An epidemiological analysis
Hamby, S.
The process of help-seeking: Creation of a measure
Hampton, M.
The healing journey: The relationship of intimate partner violence to mental health issues
Hanna, K.
Riding tandem on our pathway to prevention
Hansen, N. B.
The impact of sexual abuse-related shame, HIV-related shame, and depressive symptoms on anxiety among people living with HIV and who have experienced childhood sexual abuse
Hanson, G.
Friends, not bystanders: Developing relevant outcome measures for myplan, a smartphone-accessible safety decision aid app to help college students support a friend in an abusive intimate relationship
Hayashi, H.
Recent intimate partner violence and HIV risk factors among methamphetamine-using men and women in San Diego, California
Recent partner violence, sexual relationship power, and STIs among methamphetamine-using women: Does type of sexual partner matter?
Highlites: Highlighting the importance of getting help while living in traumatic environments among stimulant-using women
Hegarty, K.
It happens to health professionals too: The impact of personal exposure to domestic violence and sexual assault in the context of caring for patients who have experienced violence
Hegarty, K. L.
The critical role of theory and qualitative methods in the development and evaluation of complex interventions for intimate partner violence in health care settings
Global research collaboration to adapt and evaluate an internet and smartphone accessible safety decision aid intervention on survivor safety and health
"I haven't got a broken arm, I've got a broken heart!" a qualitative investigation of uptake of an intervention for women exposed to intimate partner violence
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Learning from the development and implementation of an educational programme for family doctors to provide care for women exposed to intimate partner violence
Pathways to reduced depression: Self-efficacy and family-doctor support mediate counseling outcomes for women who have experienced intimate partner violence
A primary care response to children and mothers experiencing domestic violence
Heino, A.
The aboriginal women's intervention study (AWI)
Henderson, R. I.
Promoting health through collaborative engagement with youth: Overcoming, resisting, and preventing structural violence
Intersections of violence and health in the lives of homeless and street-involved youth
Hess, S. G.
Low wage and high risk: Community collaborations to enhance safety and economic security in the workplace
Hewins, E. M.
An education program for healthcare providers designed to expand and enhance effective routine screening and the utilization of or referral to institutional and local resources
Hill, M.
Partnering providers: Dsv and WIC
Hillis, S.
Sexual violence prior to age 18, gender norms and help-seeking behaviors among girls and young women. findings from violence against children survey in Kenya
Hintz, L.
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
Hirsh-Wright, A. B.
So, you didn�t receive a hard hat at orientation? a look at secondary traumatic stress and resiliency
Utilizing TF-CBT TG to treat traumatic grief due to domestic violence:
Hoersch, M.
Trauma-informed care for health care providers online clinical cases: Unveiling the new clinical training cases from the office on women's health
Hoffmann-Frances, R.
Partnering for protection: How medicine, mental health and public health address childhood exposure to violence
Hofheimer, L.
Don�t ask; Just tell: What happened when we asked advocates to start talking about reproductive coercion
Health assessment as safety planning: Integrating reproductive health into domestic violence programs
Holbrook, D.
Using alternative light sources (ALS) to assess strangulation and other bruises in victims: A review of ALS clinical and research literature blended with skills-focused, small group, hands-on use of ALS tools
Holland, K.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
Hollinghurst, S.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Hooker, L.
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Horan, P.
Responding to older victims of abuse and neglect
Howard, L.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Howarth, E.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Huang, C. C.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Hughes, E.
The evolution of a hospital-based intimate partner violence [IPV] task force into a inter-professional collaborative practice for educating and engaging providers
Humphreys, C.
It happens to health professionals too: The impact of personal exposure to domestic violence and sexual assault in the context of caring for patients who have experienced violence
A primary care response to children and mothers experiencing domestic violence
Humphreys, C.
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Illangasekare, S. L.
An innovative gender-based violence intervention for women who trade sex, are sexually exploited, and/or trafficked
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Insetta, E.
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
IronCloud-TwoDogs, E.
Children exposed to violence: Promising practices and cultural considerations
Islam, T.
Addressing intimate partner violence and substance use: The importance, challenges, and innovations in �contested spaces�
Ismailji, T.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma informed care: New developments and approaches
Career and leadership development in the field of violence and abuse
Iton, A.
Plenary: Shining the Spotlight on Violence as a Social Determinant of Health
Iverson, K. M.
Patient-centered care for interpersonal violence in the veterans health administration: Screening, counseling, and engagement with care
Jack, S.
The critical role of theory and qualitative methods in the development and evaluation of complex interventions for intimate partner violence in health care settings
Perinatal home visiting nurse led interventions for violence against women
Jaime, M. C. D.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Emergence of gender inequitable practice in adolescence
Which dating violence primary prevention programs have demonstrated effectiveness through research?
Jain, S.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
James, L.
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Project connect 2.0 state sites national grantee meeting
Client perspectives on brochure-based intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion intervention in clinical settings
Jenkins, S.
Don't let the tail wag the dog: How one hospital-based domestic violence program in Massachusetts has taken control of its data management and reporting needs
Jiwatram-Negron, T.
Intimate partner and gender-based violence among HIV-positive women in Kazakhstan
Johnson, P.
Plenary (concurrent): A New Standard of Care: the ACA and Opportunities for Violence Response
Jones, J.
Emergence of gender inequitable practice in adolescence
Jones, K.
An intersectional approach to IPV prevention: CDC�s DELTA FOCUS project and the social determinants of health approach
Jones, K. A.
Associations among abuse, reproductive health history and contraceptive method use
Joyner, K. K.
Towards a comprehensive model for attending to women experiencing intimate partner violence in south African primary care
Juraska, M.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Kagaayi, J.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Kandel, M.
Getting to zero: How san francisco eliminated domestic violence homicides for 44 months
Kappos, B.
Mobilizing the Latino community: The promotora model
Karr, S.
The center against family violence- university of Texas at el paso community-academic partnership for sexual violence program evaluation in a u.s.-Mexico border community: A promising practice for enhancing health status in high-risk communities
Karsevar, J.
Project peer: Serving women with mental health issues and/or developmental disabilities who have experienced sexual and/or domestic violence
Kelley, M.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
Kelly, J.
Plenary: From Headlines to Action: Sustaining the Momentum to End Sexual Assault in College
Kimberg, L.
Trauma-informed primary care: Caring for survivors of lifetime abuse
Kimerling, R.
Patient-centered care for interpersonal violence in the veterans health administration: Screening, counseling, and engagement with care
Kinnicutt, L.
Defending Childhood Project Directors Meeting
Promising Futures: Supporting Children and their Mothers Experiencing Domestic Violence
Klein, L.
Preventing the second rape: responding to survivors of sexual violence on college campuses
Plenary: From Headlines to Action: Sustaining the Momentum to End Sexual Assault in College
Koermer, N.
Routine screening for intimate partner violence in healthcare facilities: An epidemiological analysis
Kohler, R.
Campus sexual assault: Effects of trauma on student survivors and how campuses intervene
Kotz, K. J.
Using quality data to drive improvement in intimate partner violence identification in the healthcare setting
Koziol-McLain, J.
Global research collaboration to adapt and evaluate an internet and smartphone accessible safety decision aid intervention on survivor safety and health
What matters? how women decide whether to disclose IPV in antenatal care
Kress, H.
Sexual violence prior to age 18, gender norms and help-seeking behaviors among girls and young women. findings from violence against children survey in Kenya
Kretschmar, J. M.
Identifying and assessing for trauma and violence in children and youth
Krishnan, S.
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Development of an mhealth app to support a primary healthcare response to domestic violence in Bengaluru, India
Ethical and safety recommendations for research on interventions to prevent violence against women
Kukke, S.
Project connect 2.0 state sites national grantee meeting
Gender based violence and HIV: Intersections and implications for practice in health care and advocacy settings
Project connect: Public health partnerships to prevent violence against women
Lachance Hartwick, L.
The practice of mindfulness in assisting domestic violence survivors in recovering from trauma and helping in their everyday lives
Latta, R.
Veterans and IPV: Developing and implementing a psychosocial rehabilitation approach in the veterans health administration
Laughon, K.
Friends, not bystanders: Developing relevant outcome measures for myplan, a smartphone-accessible safety decision aid app to help college students support a friend in an abusive intimate relationship
Lee, D. S.
Growing our impact: Moving from individual awareness building to community norms change strategies as a part of sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts
Lee, D.
Identifying and assessing for trauma and violence in children and youth
Middle school matters to prevent teen dating violence
Lee, N.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
LeHew, B.
Medicaid coverage - domestic violence screening
Levack, A.
Gender-equitable relationships: Integrating dating abuse and pregnancy prevention to promote adolescent health
Levenson, R.
Healthy moms, happy babies: A train-the-trainer curriculum on domestic violence and reproductive coercion
Client perspectives on brochure-based intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion intervention in clinical settings
Levine, D.
Families thrive, a local system-wide approach addressing children exposed to domestic violence and trauma � an innovative approach to building partnerships that last
Lewis, J.
Understanding barriers to safe and confidential health care: Where we are, where we hope to go, and how each of us can play a role in the policy-changing process
Lewis-O'Connor, A.
Trauma-informed practice: Implications for health and public health systems
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma informed care: New developments and approaches
The voice of the patient:: Informing practice, policy and research
Dying to know: The importance of strangulation inquiry in healthcare settings
Electronic health records (EHR): Opportunities and challenges for sensitive patient information
Lippy, C.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
Loeb, D.
Emergence of gender inequitable practice in adolescence
LoFaso, V.
Responding to older victims of abuse and neglect
Loftus, J.
Taking care of colleagues: D/SV services for healthcare professionals at work
Trauma informed care: Assessment and implementation of change in a large academic medical setting
Ludwig-Barron, N.
Highlites: Highlighting the importance of getting help while living in traumatic environments among stimulant-using women
Lyles, A.
Growing our impact: Moving from individual awareness building to community norms change strategies as a part of sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts
Affordable care act: Opportunities to prevent violence
Lyon, E.
Thinking about trauma in the context of DV: Complex trauma, collective trauma, ongoing risk
Mental health and substance use coercion: Results of two focus surveys and implications for clinical and advocacy practice
Maas, L.
A. diffusion of innovation: Department of veterans affairs' pilot project to disseminate IPV programs in women's health clinics through mentoring
Machtinger, E.
Trauma-informed primary care: Caring for survivors of lifetime abuse
Gender based violence and HIV: Intersections and implications for practice in health care and advocacy settings
Mac�as-Konstantopoulos, W.
Addressing human trafficking as a health care priority
Magis-Rodriguez, C.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Maholmes, V.
Federal research opportunities for health and domestic violence
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
Majumdar, P.
Understanding domestic violence in South Asian community
Mandal, M.
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Mangadu, T.
The center against family violence- university of Texas at el paso community-academic partnership for sexual violence program evaluation in a u.s.-Mexico border community: A promising practice for enhancing health status in high-risk communities
Marable, D.
Trauma informed care: Assessment and implementation of change in a large academic medical setting
Marcozzi, H.
Project change: A collaborative approach to improving health outcomes of polyvictims in d.c
Marcus, S.
Detection and documentation of intimate partner violence victimization among women patients
Marmot, S. M.
Plenary: Shining the Spotlight on Violence as a Social Determinant of Health
Marranguene, A.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Marshall, K.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
Marshall, K. J.
Interventions that address intimate partner violence and HIV among women: A systematic review
Martin, C.
Gender based violence and HIV: Intersections and implications for practice in health care and advocacy settings
Martinez, G.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
McCauley, H. L.
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Client perspectives on brochure-based intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion intervention in clinical settings
Sexual and reproductive health indicators of sexual minority women exposed to intimate partner violence
Balancing safety and retention: Strategies to reduce attrition in IPV research
Associations among abuse, reproductive health history and contraceptive method use
McCaw, B.
Using the electronic health record (EHR) to improve IPV services and research in health care organizations
Patient-centered care for interpersonal violence in the veterans health administration: Screening, counseling, and engagement with care
McDaniel, L.
Improving services & increasing safety by connecting partners in HIV/AIDS & DV programs: The implementation and evaluation of a train the trainers program
McFadgion, A. L.
'It has nothing to do with...': Her silent experiences of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury
The impact of traumatic brain injury: Screening protocol and response for medical and advocacy services
McGirr, S. A.
Improving services & increasing safety by connecting partners in HIV/AIDS & DV programs: The implementation and evaluation of a train the trainers program
McIntosh, C. T.
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
McLindon, E. V.
It happens to health professionals too: The impact of personal exposure to domestic violence and sexual assault in the context of caring for patients who have experienced violence
Melbin, A.
Integrating Responses to Domestic Violence: Examining Differing Understandings of Survivor Success
Mercy, J.
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Sexual violence prior to age 18, gender norms and help-seeking behaviors among girls and young women. findings from violence against children survey in Kenya
Messing, J.
The lethality assessment program: Results from a quasi-experimental field trial and implications for health care
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Metzler, M.
A conceptual framework for understanding and addressing inequities in risk for violence: Examples from CDC�s division of violence prevention
Miller, E.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Project connect: Public health partnerships to prevent violence against women
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Provider response to disclosure of intimate partner violence: So are you safe from this guy?
Adaptation of sport model: From Coaching Boys Into Men in USA to Parivartan in India
The acceptability of offering emergency contraception to domestic violence shelter clients
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
Client perspectives on brochure-based intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion intervention in clinical settings
Sexual and reproductive health indicators of sexual minority women exposed to intimate partner violence
Balancing safety and retention: Strategies to reduce attrition in IPV research
Native women's experiences with partner violence and reproductive coercion: A pilot project's findings
Emergence of gender inequitable practice in adolescence
Associations among abuse, reproductive health history and contraceptive method use
Gender-equitable relationships: Integrating dating abuse and pregnancy prevention to promote adolescent health
Promoting adolescent health through school connectedness: Pcadv�s project connect 2.0 adolescent health promotion model
Which dating violence primary prevention programs have demonstrated effectiveness through research?
Miller, E. C.
Understanding barriers to safe and confidential health care: Where we are, where we hope to go, and how each of us can play a role in the policy-changing process
Miller, J. L.
Shelter based health clinic services: A sixteen year partnership to heal victims of IPV
Miller, K. A.
Youth organizing to end gender based violence
Mitchell, C.
Plenary: Shining the Spotlight on Violence as a Social Determinant of Health
Monasterio, E.
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Montgomery, A. E.
Association between intimate partner violence and homelessness risk, unhealthy alcohol use, and risk of unintended pregnancy
Morris, A. M.
A primary care response to children and mothers experiencing domestic violence
Mosqueda, L.
Our futures without violence : Abuse later in life
Mpanao, M.
Livestock/animal assets buffer the impact of conflict-related traumatic events on mental health symptoms for rural women
Mulford, C.
Health related correlates of teen dating violence over time
Muquingue, H. N.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Muralidharan, A.
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Naik, D.
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Nair, S.
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Nakigozi, G.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Nalugoda, F.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Ndimande, S.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Ndyanabo, A.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Nekkanti, M.
Associations between food insecurity and intimate partner violence in a nationally representative sample from Nepal
Newman, T.
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Nguyen, V.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
Nierstedt, E.
Collaborating to keep families healthy: The partnership between home visitation programs and domestic violence providers in Arizona
Niolon, P. H.
Middle school matters to prevent teen dating violence
Nixon, K.
A comparison of abused women and non-abused women on mothering behaviors and responses with children
Nnawulezi, N.
Improving services & increasing safety by connecting partners in HIV/AIDS & DV programs: The implementation and evaluation of a train the trainers program
Noursi, S.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
O'Connor, B.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Adaptation of sport model: From Coaching Boys Into Men in USA to Parivartan in India
O'Doherty, L. J.
"I haven't got a broken arm, I've got a broken heart!" a qualitative investigation of uptake of an intervention for women exposed to intimate partner violence
Pathways to reduced depression: Self-efficacy and family-doctor support mediate counseling outcomes for women who have experienced intimate partner violence
O'Rourke, L.
Obamacare and domestic violence: Understanding the affordable care act and other federal health policy recommendations on intimate partner violence screening and brief counseling.
Plenary (concurrent): A New Standard of Care: the ACA and Opportunities for Violence Response
Electronic health records (EHR): Opportunities and challenges for sensitive patient information
Odongo, L.
Project peer: Serving women with mental health issues and/or developmental disabilities who have experienced sexual and/or domestic violence
Oudshoorn, A.
Intersections of violence and health in the lives of homeless and street-involved youth
Overstreet, N. M.
The impact of sexual abuse-related shame, HIV-related shame, and depressive symptoms on anxiety among people living with HIV and who have experienced childhood sexual abuse
Packard, G. D.
Thinking about trauma in the context of DV: Complex trauma, collective trauma, ongoing risk
Panzarella, C.
Rooming alone: A process for identifying and assessing victims of domestic violence during OB/GYN office visits
Papa, S.
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Patchell, B.
The lethality assessment program: Results from a quasi-experimental field trial and implications for health care
Patel, K. D.
Development of an mhealth app to support a primary healthcare response to domestic violence in Bengaluru, India
Patterson, T. L.
Recent intimate partner violence and HIV risk factors among methamphetamine-using men and women in San Diego, California
Recent partner violence, sexual relationship power, and STIs among methamphetamine-using women: Does type of sexual partner matter?
Pavlos, C.
Trauma-informed practice: Implications for health and public health systems
Pearsall, A. B.
How to refer a client with an unintended pregnancy
Pearson, E.
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Perkinson, L.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Implementation of evidence-based violence prevention strategies: Examining how stakeholders use implementation data for program improvement and development
Perrin, N. A.
Impact of an internet safety decision aid on health and safety of IPV survivors: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial
Friends, not bystanders: Developing relevant outcome measures for myplan, a smartphone-accessible safety decision aid app to help college students support a friend in an abusive intimate relationship
Livestock/animal assets buffer the impact of conflict-related traumatic events on mental health symptoms for rural women
Peters, T.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Phillips, J.
Provider response to disclosure of intimate partner violence: So are you safe from this guy?
Piatt, A.
The Key is Collaboration: Organizing healthcare providers, peer health educators, and students to prevent sexual assault on US college campuses
Pintello, D.
Federal research opportunities for health and domestic violence
Pomeroy, J.
The Key is Collaboration: Organizing healthcare providers, peer health educators, and students to prevent sexual assault on US college campuses
Popkin, S.
Coercive sexual environments contribute to health disparities
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Price, L.
Federal research opportunities for health and domestic violence
Primbetova, S.
Intimate partner and gender-based violence among HIV-positive women in Kazakhstan
Radtke, H. L.
A comparison of abused women and non-abused women on mothering behaviors and responses with children
The healing journey: The relationship of intimate partner violence to mental health issues
Ragavan, M.
Health After Surviving Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Women, Adolescents, and Staff
Raghu, M.
Low wage and high risk: Community collaborations to enhance safety and economic security in the workplace
Raible, C. A.
Promoting adolescent health through school connectedness: Pcadv�s project connect 2.0 adolescent health promotion model
Raj, A.
Cultural conundrums in conducting gender-based violence research: Case studies from the middle east, south asia, and central asia
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Gender and vulnerability to sexual violence
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Engaging men in gender equity focused interventions to improve sexual and reproductive health: Findings from India and the US
Associations between food insecurity and intimate partner violence in a nationally representative sample from Nepal
Rambo, K.
An intersectional approach to IPV prevention: CDC�s DELTA FOCUS project and the social determinants of health approach
A conceptual framework for understanding and addressing inequities in risk for violence: Examples from CDC�s division of violence prevention
Ranganathan, S.
Development of an mhealth app to support a primary healthcare response to domestic violence in Bengaluru, India
Reed, B. G.
Addressing intimate partner violence and substance use: The importance, challenges, and innovations in �contested spaces�
Reed, E. A.
Violence experienced across personal and work related contexts among female sex workers in andhra pradesh, India: Relation to sexual risk for HIV
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
Ritter, J. E.
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Ritter, J. E.
Gender and vulnerability to sexual violence
Roach, T.
Project connect 2.0 state sites national grantee meeting
Project connect: Public health partnerships to prevent violence against women
Rocha-Jimenez, T.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Root, J.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Native women's experiences with partner violence and reproductive coercion: A pilot project's findings
Rosenbluth, B.
Gender-equitable relationships: Integrating dating abuse and pregnancy prevention to promote adolescent health
Rosenfeld, D.
Plenary: From Headlines to Action: Sustaining the Momentum to End Sexual Assault in College
Rothman, E. F.
"I thought he was my boyfriend": The dating violence-sex trafficking link
Which dating violence primary prevention programs have demonstrated effectiveness through research?
Rottach, E.
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Rottenberg, L.
Associations among past and current intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination characteristics
Ruane, J.
What matters? how women decide whether to disclose IPV in antenatal care
Rutherford, A.
What matters? how women decide whether to disclose IPV in antenatal care
Saavedra, A. J.
Implementing a community-based approach of gender-based violence: Lay counselors ARE effective in providing survivors with access to facility-based services
Sabina, C.
Evaluating the impact of dating violence and polyvictimization on clinical symptomatology among Latino youth
The process of help-seeking: Creation of a measure
Sadler, A. G.
Patient-centered care for interpersonal violence in the veterans health administration: Screening, counseling, and engagement with care
Saggurti, N.
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Salani, D.
Routine screening for intimate partner violence in healthcare facilities: An epidemiological analysis
Salazar, M.
Violence experienced across personal and work related contexts among female sex workers in andhra pradesh, India: Relation to sexual risk for HIV
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
Santana, V. J.
Enhancing practice for community health and youth workers to address children�s exposure to violence
Sardhina, L.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Savage-Borne, J.
�Consciousness raising� as a tool in domestic violence work. the personal is still political
Scafide, K. N.
Using alternative light sources (ALS) to assess strangulation and other bruises in victims: A review of ALS clinical and research literature blended with skills-focused, small group, hands-on use of ALS tools
Schneider, F. D.
Career and leadership development in the field of violence and abuse
Scott-Storey, K. A.
Global research collaboration to adapt and evaluate an internet and smartphone accessible safety decision aid intervention on survivor safety and health
Seltzer, D.
Riding tandem on our pathway to prevention
Semple, S. J.
Recent intimate partner violence and HIV risk factors among methamphetamine-using men and women in San Diego, California
Recent partner violence, sexual relationship power, and STIs among methamphetamine-using women: Does type of sexual partner matter?
Servin, A.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
Serwadda, D.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Sharp, D.
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
Sharpen, J.
Using new technology to support young victims of domestic and sexual violence - 'it's easier to type an emotion'
Sharps, P.
Perinatal home visiting nurse led interventions for violence against women
Shea, J.
Collaborating to keep families healthy: The partnership between home visitation programs and domestic violence providers in Arizona
Sheridan, D. J.
Using alternative light sources (ALS) to assess strangulation and other bruises in victims: A review of ALS clinical and research literature blended with skills-focused, small group, hands-on use of ALS tools
Sherman, S.
An innovative gender-based violence intervention for women who trade sex, are sexually exploited, and/or trafficked
Safety strategies: Contextual evidence from women in sex work
Siegel Barrios, M. B.
Teen dating violence prevention in the LGBTQQ community
Sikkema, K. J.
The impact of sexual abuse-related shame, HIV-related shame, and depressive symptoms on anxiety among people living with HIV and who have experienced childhood sexual abuse
Silverman, J. G.
Cultural conundrums in conducting gender-based violence research: Case studies from the middle east, south asia, and central asia
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Sexual and reproductive health indicators of sexual minority women exposed to intimate partner violence
Balancing safety and retention: Strategies to reduce attrition in IPV research
Effects of perinatal intimate partner violence and non-violent household maltreatment on infant health in urban India
Associations among abuse, reproductive health history and contraceptive method use
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Intimate partner violence and condom versus other modern contraception use among married women in rural India
Measuring household maltreatment as a form of gender based violence against women
Economic vulnerability, violence, and sexual risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in tijuana, Mexico
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Simon, C.
Preventing the second rape: responding to survivors of sexual violence on college campuses
Singh, V.
Evaluation of theater-based medical education program on intimate partner violence screening
Slye, A.
Improving services & increasing safety by connecting partners in HIV/AIDS & DV programs: The implementation and evaluation of a train the trainers program
Small, R.
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Smith, D. G.
Caring makes a difference: Building community partnerships in American Indian/Alaskan Native/Indigenous communities to improve health responses to domestic and sexual violence
Smith, F. M.
The regional hospital accompaniment response team (RHART): A collaborative response to a community issue
Smith, R. E.
Coercive sexual environments contribute to health disparities
Development and implementation of the PASS intervention (Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Sexual Safety) in Washington DC public housing
Solomon, J.
"It's your call" employee DV prevention and intervention in the healthcare facility
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Research: A replicable, cost effective community model for elder abuse prevention
Souders, K.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
Southworth, C.
Electronic health records (EHR): Opportunities and challenges for sensitive patient information
Sox, C.
Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and a comparison sample of working women and their children in el alto, Bolivia
Spangaro, J.
What matters? how women decide whether to disclose IPV in antenatal care
Speakman, E.
Trauma informed care: Assessment and implementation of change in a large academic medical setting
Sperzel, M.
Addressing the intersection of domestic violence and mental health in rural and urban communities
Ssekasanvu, J.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Staines-Orozsco, H.
Associations of child sexual abuse and other developmental threats with adolescent and early adolescent entry to sex work in tijuana and ciudad juarez, Mexico
Stanaway, S.
Don�t ask; Just tell: What happened when we asked advocates to start talking about reproductive coercion
Stephens, D.
The intersection between popular culture and female identity, violence victimization, and related health risks
Stevens, S.
Iteam: An innovative program supporting LGBTQSA homeless and near homeless transitional age youth
Stewart, K.
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Obamacare and domestic violence: Understanding the affordable care act and other federal health policy recommendations on intimate partner violence screening and brief counseling.
Stocking, M. E.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Stockman, J. K.
A double-edged sword: Gender-based violence and HIV among vulnerable women in the United States
Recent intimate partner violence and HIV risk factors among methamphetamine-using men and women in San Diego, California
Recent partner violence, sexual relationship power, and STIs among methamphetamine-using women: Does type of sexual partner matter?
Highlites: Highlighting the importance of getting help while living in traumatic environments among stimulant-using women
Stoklosa, H.
Addressing human trafficking as a health care priority
Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults: a health care & human rights challenge
Strack, G. B.
From risk assessment to health advocacy:addressing health needs in domestic violence collaboratives
He more than choked her: Identifying, Examining, and documenting strangulation patients
Sullivan, C. M.
Improving services & increasing safety by connecting partners in HIV/AIDS & DV programs: The implementation and evaluation of a train the trainers program
Taft, A. J.
The critical role of theory and qualitative methods in the development and evaluation of complex interventions for intimate partner violence in health care settings
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Taket, A. R.
"I haven't got a broken arm, I've got a broken heart!" a qualitative investigation of uptake of an intervention for women exposed to intimate partner violence
Tancredi, D. J.
Sexual and reproductive health indicators of sexual minority women exposed to intimate partner violence
Balancing safety and retention: Strategies to reduce attrition in IPV research
Tancredi, D. J.
Implementing an athletic coach-delivered bystander intervention program to reduce violence against women: Coach and high school athlete perspectives
Associations among abuse, reproductive health history and contraceptive method use
Tavrow, P.
Videos against violence: A new culturally-relevant approach to clinic screening
Temple, J. R.
Parallel developmental trajectories of teen dating violence and recent alcohol use
Terlikbayeva, A.
Intimate partner and gender-based violence among HIV-positive women in Kazakhstan
Tharp, A.
Middle school matters to prevent teen dating violence
Thoma, M.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Thomas, J. N.
Creating a safety net for homeless families in an emergency shelter
Timmons, J.
Don't let the tail wag the dog: How one hospital-based domestic violence program in Massachusetts has taken control of its data management and reporting needs
Tinkham, K. A.
Health assessment as safety planning: Integrating reproductive health into domestic violence programs
Tinney, G.
Women veterans and trauma
Tiwari, A.
Career and leadership development in the field of violence and abuse
Tolman, R.
Evaluation of theater-based medical education program on intimate partner violence screening
Trautwein, A. M.
An education program for healthcare providers designed to expand and enhance effective routine screening and the utilization of or referral to institutional and local resources
True, G.
Detection and documentation of intimate partner violence victimization among women patients
Tsai, A.
Associations between food insecurity and intimate partner violence in a nationally representative sample from Nepal
Tsikitas, L.
Understanding barriers to safe and confidential health care: Where we are, where we hope to go, and how each of us can play a role in the policy-changing process
Tucker, K.
Moving beyond the wheel: supporting LGBTQ survivors of domestic violence
Tutty, L. M.
You're not alone: An evaluation of the mental health outcomes of therapy groups for abused women
A comparison of abused women and non-abused women on mothering behaviors and responses with children
The healing journey: The relationship of intimate partner violence to mental health issues
Undie, C. C.
Gender-based violence and the Global Health and Development Agendas: New Research and Innovative programs
Upton, B.
Getting to zero: How san francisco eliminated domestic violence homicides for 44 months
Urada, L.
Gender and vulnerability to sexual violence
Valpied, J.
"I haven't got a broken arm, I've got a broken heart!" a qualitative investigation of uptake of an intervention for women exposed to intimate partner violence
Pathways to reduced depression: Self-efficacy and family-doctor support mediate counseling outcomes for women who have experienced intimate partner violence
Varcoe, C.
Global research collaboration to adapt and evaluate an internet and smartphone accessible safety decision aid intervention on survivor safety and health
The aboriginal women's intervention study (AWI)
Innovative responses to structural violence among vulnerable populations: Integrating trauma- and violence-informed care into routine primary health care practices
Varley, I.
Which dating violence primary prevention programs have demonstrated effectiveness through research?
Verma, N.
Intimate partner violence: An interdisciplinary approach
Verma, R.
Adaptation of sport model: From Coaching Boys Into Men in USA to Parivartan in India
Transforming gender norms, roles, and power dynamics to reduce gender based violence: A systematic review of gender integrated health programs in low and middle income countries
Vishwanath, N. S.
Development of an mhealth app to support a primary healthcare response to domestic violence in Bengaluru, India
Wagman, J.
Impact of an integrated intimate partner violence and HIV prevention intervention: A cluster randomized trial in rakai, Uganda
Wagner, C.
Association between intimate partner violence and homelessness risk, unhealthy alcohol use, and risk of unintended pregnancy
Walter, R.
Sustainability of an innovative domestic violence screening and care program in community-based maternal and child health (MCH) nursing in melbourne, Australia: MOVE cluster randomised controlled trial primary outcomes, impact evaluation and two year foll
Wanjuki, W.
Plenary: From Headlines to Action: Sustaining the Momentum to End Sexual Assault in College
Warshaw, C.
Trauma-informed practice: Implications for health and public health systems
Thinking about trauma in the context of DV: Complex trauma, collective trauma, ongoing risk
Mental health and substance use coercion: Results of two focus surveys and implications for clinical and advocacy practice
Electronic health records (EHR): Opportunities and challenges for sensitive patient information
Wathen, C. N.
Innovative responses to structural violence among vulnerable populations: Integrating trauma- and violence-informed care into routine primary health care practices
Watson, C.
Using quality data to drive improvement in intimate partner violence identification in the healthcare setting
Weber, J. F.
What do we think and expect of victims & survivors? Exploring and challenging our beliefs
Wee, S.
From risk assessment to health advocacy:addressing health needs in domestic violence collaboratives
Weil, A.
Addressing family violence across the lifespan through an innovative healthcare program
Weiser, S.
Associations between food insecurity and intimate partner violence in a nationally representative sample from Nepal
West, P. J.
Integrating domestic violence screening and best practices into family support programming
Westby, R.
Implementing expect respect support groups for adolescents exposed to violence - facilitators' experiences and perspectives on working within the school system
White, J.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and counseling research symposium: Report findings and IPV research priorities
White, L. J.
Highlites: Highlighting the importance of getting help while living in traumatic environments among stimulant-using women
Whitmer, L. N.
Addressing intimate partner violence and substance use: The importance, challenges, and innovations in �contested spaces�
Wiley, T.
Federal research opportunities for health and domestic violence
Wilkinson, B. G.
�She was admitted acutely psychotic but she wasn't, in fact she was a victim of domestic violence;� world views of mental health workers about women who experience domestic violence and mental health concerns
Wilkinson, K. B.
Partnering for protection: How medicine, mental health and public health address childhood exposure to violence
Williams, A.
Partnering providers: Dsv and WIC
Williams, J.
Routine screening for intimate partner violence in healthcare facilities: An epidemiological analysis
Willie, T. C.
The impact of sexual abuse-related shame, HIV-related shame, and depressive symptoms on anxiety among people living with HIV and who have experienced childhood sexual abuse
Wilson, D.
The people's report: Weaving together 500 people's stories to get a country talking and lay the foundation to address child abuse and domestic violence in New Zealand
Wilson, J. S.
The lethality assessment program: Results from a quasi-experimental field trial and implications for health care
Wilson, P.
Plenary (concurrent): A New Standard of Care: the ACA and Opportunities for Violence Response
Shelter based health clinic services: A sixteen year partnership to heal victims of IPV
Withers, M.
Videos against violence: A new culturally-relevant approach to clinic screening
WolfChief, T.
Children exposed to violence: Promising practices and cultural considerations
Wolfe, D.
Parallel developmental trajectories of teen dating violence and recent alcohol use
Which dating violence primary prevention programs have demonstrated effectiveness through research?
Wood, B.
Opportunities for health and social support improvement in mens domestic violence programming
Wright Calero, S.
Co-occurring cycles of violence: Risk assessment and safety planning around violence against women in the context of community/ gang violence
Yano, E. M.
Detection and documentation of intimate partner violence victimization among women patients
Yantz, L.
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
The acceptability of offering emergency contraception to domestic violence shelter clients
Yellowhammer, T.
Children exposed to violence: Promising practices and cultural considerations
Yonas, M.
Talking to children about intimate partner violence: Challenges described by survivors who are mothers
Emergence of gender inequitable practice in adolescence
Yore, J. B.
Gender and vulnerability to sexual violence
Engaging men in gender equity focused interventions to improve sexual and reproductive health: Findings from India and the US
Yoshihama, M.
Gender-based violence and health and allied professionals following the great east Japan disasters
Evaluation of theater-based medical education program on intimate partner violence screening
Zarate, M.
Addressing the effects of violence and abuse to improve health outcomes for women living with HIV
Zelazny, S.
Client perspectives on brochure-based intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion intervention in clinical settings
Sexual and reproductive health indicators of sexual minority women exposed to intimate partner violence
Zwi, A. B.
What matters? how women decide whether to disclose IPV in antenatal care