Project change: A collaborative approach to improving health outcomes of polyvictims in d.c

Saturday, March 21, 2015: 9:50 AM-11:10 AM
Room 3 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Heidi Marcozzi, RN, MSN/MPH, SANE-A, DC Forensic Nurse Examiners
Cortney Fisher, JD, PhD, Cand, The District of Columbia Government

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Define polyvictimization, related risk factors and health implications.
  2. Discuss promising approaches to working with polyvictims and identify how they can be implemented in their own communities.
Polyvictimization, or the experience of more than one victimization over the lifetime, decreases mental and physical health outcomes. Project CHANGE is a pilot program funded by OVC which creates a holistic service network for polyvictims in DC. The project places an emphasis on using medical forensic care as an entry point to service, engaging intimate partner and sexual violence victims after a critical incident, and providing services to children and adolescents in the victim’s care.