Enhancing practice for community health and youth workers to address children’s exposure to violence

Friday, March 20, 2015: 4:00 PM-5:20 PM
Room 16 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Erin Fairchild, MSW, Multnomah County
Victor Jose Santana, MA, Boston Public Health Commission

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. have increased knowledge of the impact of violence on children, youth development, traumatic stress, and resiliency
  2. have increased strategies for engaging community health and youth workers in addressing children's exposure to violence
  3. Have increased knowledge of how race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other various identities can impact their own and youth’s responses to trauma.
This workshop will present two innovative training curriculums aimed at increasing the capacity of community health and youth workers to address children’s exposure to violence. Community Health Workers and youth workers are trusted community leaders who promote health, and have been shown to be effective at facilitating positive health outcomes in their communities.