Using new technology to support young victims of domestic and sexual violence - 'it's easier to type an emotion'

Friday, March 20, 2015: 10:15 AM-11:35 AM
Room 5 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Joanna Sharpen, BSc(hons), Psychology, MA, Women, and, Child, Abuse, Diploma, in, Online, Counselling, AVA (against violence and abuse)

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand why young people affected by domestic and sexual violence prefer an online support service.
  2. Gain an overview of how young people disclose online, the risks they are facing and how to respond appropriately.
  3. Learn about two innovative online responses and consider the ethical and logistical implications of working online with this at risk group.
Research shows that 16-24 year olds are most at risk of domestic violence and yet also less likely to disclose to professionals. Our work found 76% of young people prefer online support services. This paper will look at the UK Home Office campaign and associated support site, provide an overview of the 3000 young people supported by it and also look at the development of an innovative and secure online counselling web solution for young people affected by abuse.