An education program for healthcare providers designed to expand and enhance effective routine screening and the utilization of or referral to institutional and local resources

Saturday, March 21, 2015: 11:25 AM-12:45 PM
Room 8/9 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Anna M. Trautwein, RNC, Saint Peter's University Hospital
Elaine M. Hewins, CSW, NJ, Domestic, Violence, Specialist, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

PDF file

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify essential elements of an engaging and practical 3-hour continuing education program for healthcare providers to identify and assist IPV victims/survivors in clinical settings.
  2. Describe successful strategies for networking and building local and regional healthcare, academic, community partnership.
Healthcare professionals are often a “first-line response” for IPV victims and survivors. In this dialogic and interactive session, we share essential elements of a successful 3-hour IPV educational program for healthcare providers, and lessons learned regarding key strategies for building innovative healthcare/academic/community collaborative partnerships to deliver the program. Highlights will also be shared regarding program implementation of a research component to better evaluate the utilization of program content by the participants and the effect on practice change.