Simple trauma-sensitive yoga for vicarious trauma and for therapeutic use with clients/patients

Friday, March 20, 2015: 3:10 PM-3:50 PM
Congressional Hall B (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Yael Calhoun, MA, MS, GreenTREE Yoga

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand the scientific connection between trauma and yoga. Examine the science of trauma and the science of yoga in order to develop a context for understanding the role of yoga.
  2. Identify new tools to assess the cumulative impact of vicarious trauma.emotionally present and available in order to provide compassionate care and minimize vicarious trauma.
  3. Practice simple breathing/relaxation techniques for trauma-sensitive yoga to use in therapeutic settings as a tool to facilitate healing and growth with various client populations so that they can befriend their bodies and feel safe.

The interactive and experiential session provides training and support to clinicians and free support materials that offer yoga as a healing tool for both trauma and vicarious trauma. The yoga is appropriate for all abilities. The session also explains the neuroscience basis for using this body-based modality to address complex trauma issues. Research shows that yoga is an effective tool for helping people access and process feelings, learn to control core arousal signals, and feel safe in their bodies.

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