Videos against violence: A new culturally-relevant approach to clinic screening

Saturday, March 21, 2015: 11:25 AM-12:45 PM
Room 15 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Paula Tavrow, PhD, MSc, MALD, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

Mellissa Withers, PhD, MHS, University of Southern California

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the process of developing culturally-relevant videos for DV screening.
  2. Explain how Google analytics can be used to monitor website use.
  3. Describe the challenges of consultation room screening and identify ways to overcome them.
Videos Against Violence is an innovative program for health clinics that uses videos featuring a “trusted friend” to assist female patients to overcome their fears and inhibitions to disclosing domestic violence to providers. Project components were: (1) development of 3-minute videos in six languages posted on a website and monitored through Google analytics; (2) provider training; and (3) multi-lingual cards with hotline information. We will show video clips and discuss barriers they addressed, plus program challenges and lessons learned.