Growing our impact: Moving from individual awareness building to community norms change strategies as a part of sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts

Saturday, March 21, 2015: 11:25 AM-12:45 PM
Mount Vernon Square B (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Annie Lyles, MSW, Prevention Institute
David S. Lee, MPH, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Learning Objectives:
  1. Engage in a candid discussion around the value of community norms change work and identify strategies for shifting norms.
  2. Share real world examples of efforts that shift community level norms.
  3. Identify tools and resources to support innovative approaches.

This presentation will engage participants in discussion and activities to identify community-level strategies to shift social and cultural norms to prevent sexual and domestic violence. The presentation will also provide case studies of what communities are doing across the U.S. to transform norms and promote safe, healthy environments.

See more of: Workshop
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