Don't let the tail wag the dog: How one hospital-based domestic violence program in Massachusetts has taken control of its data management and reporting needs

Friday, March 20, 2015: 1:50 PM-3:10 PM
Room 3 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Steven Jenkins, Founder, Empowerdb
Joanne Timmons, MPH, Boston Medical Center

PDF file

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Articulate the data collection, data management, and reporting needs and challenges of a hospital-based domestic violence (DV) program.
  2. Describe how the Empowerdb database addresses these needs, including the capability to generate regular program and funder reports in a powerful and cost-effective way.
  3. Explain how the concepts utilized by Empowerdb can be applied and customized to serve programs with similar data management challenges.
Data collection, management and reporting pose many challenges for hospital-based domestic violence programs that provide both direct and non-direct services, and are accountable to multiple funders/stakeholders. Participants will learn how a network of Massachusetts domestic violence and sexual assault programs and Steven Jenkins, founder of Empowerdb database, are developing best practices for collecting and translating data that meet program, hospital, and funder requirements. The report generation concepts used by Empowerdb and applicability to programs with similar needs will be demonstrated.