Trauma-informed primary care: Caring for survivors of lifetime abuse

Friday, March 20, 2015: 10:15 AM-11:35 AM
Room 15 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Leigh Kimberg, MD, SFGH/UCSF
Edward Machtinger, MD, UCSF

PDF file PDF file

Learning Objectives:
  1. Be able to describe one physical, one emotional, and one mental health sequelae of lifetime abuse.
  2. Be able to describe the four “C’s” framework for successfully eliciting a trauma history while caring for oneself.
  3. Have a toolkit to use to implement "trauma informed primary care".

Many vulnerable patients and survivors of intimate partner violence have long histories of cumulative trauma beginning in childhood, which are associated with many adverse health and life consequences. This workshop will provide a framework for and practice in addressing life-long and cumulative trauma with patients, while also caring for oneself. Participants will also be provided with a “toolkit” that provides evidence-based and expert-opinion based tools and advice on implementing “trauma-informed primary care”.

See more of: Workshop
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