Essentials of an intimate partner violence screening protocol for pregnant women within a healthcare setting

Saturday, March 21, 2015: 2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Room 3 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Liza Eshilian-Oates, MD, Kaiser Permanente

PDF file

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the process of successfully implementing an IPV screening protocol within a healthcare setting with multiple clinic locations.
  2. Understand the importance of collaboration between healthcare providers and local community service agencies.
  3. Discuss the pros and cons of two different IPV screening methods in the healthcare setting.
This innovative program in partnership with a community domestic violence service agency aims to screen, identify, and provide support/resources to victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) who receive care in the prenatal obstetrics clinics within Kaiser Permanente in Orange County, California. Furthermore, we examine the effectiveness of two IPV screening methods in a healthcare setting.