An intersectional approach to IPV prevention: CDC�s DELTA FOCUS project and the social determinants of health approach

Friday, March 20, 2015: 1:50 PM-3:10 PM
Room 10/11 (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Kirsten Rambo, PhD, Division of Violence Prevention
Pamela B. Brown, MEd, LPC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation
Jenny Dills, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Katie Jones, MSW, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand CDC�s DELTA FOCUS IPV prevention project, including its goals and its approach.
  2. Have a better understanding, through group dialogue and sharing of ideas, of the rewards, the challenges, and the potential of using an intersectional, social determinants of health approach to IPV prevention.

This session will introduce participants to DELTA FOCUS, CDC�s current five-year intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention project. CDC funds ten state domestic violence coalitions and eighteen communities to prevent IPV using an approach that focuses on social determinants of health. Welcoming input from attendees who have grappled with similar issues, this session will engage participants in a dialogue about the goals, rewards and challenges of using this intersectional approach to IPV prevention, seeking practical solutions for advancing the work.

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