Thursday, March 19, 2015
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
Friday, March 20, 2015
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
10:15 AM-11:35 AM
New evidence and tools from the World Health Organization for addressing intimate partner and sexual violence
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives

Perinatal home visiting nurse led interventions for violence against women
Assessment and Intervention
Assessment and Intervention

Physical, sexual and mental health considerations for patients with a history of substance use, HIV and abuse
Assessment and Intervention
Assessment and Intervention

Understanding the of prevalence elder abuse and a cost effective, community model for prevention
Cultural Considerations
Cultural Considerations

Understanding the biological impact of teen dating violence and two innovative programs for young LGBTQ and homeless survivors
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan

Statewide collaborations to improve reproductive and maternal child health and safety in home visitation
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

Engaging men in gender equity and violence: Promising practices and measures
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics

1:50 PM-3:10 PM

DV and the employee: Prevention, intervention and taking care of yourself while caring for others
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Perinatal and antenatal IPV and household maltreatment: Disclosure decisions and health impact
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers
Addressing the effects of violence and abuse to improve health outcomes for women living with HIV
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan
An intersectional approach to IPV prevention: CDC’s DELTA FOCUS project and the social determinants of health approach
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

Building shelter-based health care services and bridging doula/advocacy partnerships
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Implementing evidence-based interventions in real-world settings: The journey of coaching boys into men
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs
3:10 PM-3:50 PM

Simple trauma-sensitive yoga for vicarious trauma and for therapeutic use with clients/patients
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers
4:00 PM-5:20 PM

Educating and engaging providers on screening, trauma informed care, and secondary trauma
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers
Promoting healthy adolescent relationships in adolescent health settings
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

The healing journey: Evaluation of DV and mental health programs in rural and urban areas
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers
A double-edged sword: Gender-based violence and HIV among vulnerable women in the United States
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan

Privacy, confidentiality, and electronic health records: Opportunities and challenges
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change

Veterans affairs and IPV: Assessment and intervention, a mentoring program, and implementing psychosocial rehabilitation
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change

Promoting trauma informed collaborations in hospital based, statewide and mental health programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Saturday, March 21, 2015
8:00 AM-9:20 AM
9:50 AM-11:10 AM

What do we think and expect of victims & survivors? Exploring and challenging our beliefs
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Health Impacts of IPV: Traumatic brain in jury and cardiovascular disease
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan

Innovative service delivery opportunities for prevention, safety and reimbursement through the ACA and Medicaid
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change
Improving responses to IPV in post-conflict and post-natural disaster settings
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics
11:25 AM-12:45 PM

Assessing for lethality and strangulation: identification and advocacy in homicide prevention
Assessment and Intervention
Assessment and Intervention

Addressing reproductive health in DV programs: Pregnancy options, emergency contraception and assessing for reproductive coercion
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Educating students: in medicine and across disciplines, on IPV and reproductive coercion
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Getting providers up to speed on IPV, strangulation, and screening: educational programs for clinicians
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers
Substance use, mental health, and IPV: Addressing the co-occurance simultaneously through screening, assessment and counseling
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of D/SV Across the Lifespan

Addressing abuse across the lifespan in health care settings using videos and other innovative approaches
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change

2:10 PM-3:30 PM

Don’t ask; Just tell: What happened when we asked advocates to start talking about reproductive coercion
Assessment and Intervention
Assessment and Intervention

Children exposed to violence: Promising practices and cultural considerations
Cultural Considerations
Cultural Considerations

Gender equitable adult and teen relationships promoting violence prevention responses in school based programs
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Effective promotora and community health worker responses to IPV and other community-academic partnerships
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

Preventing and responding to campus sexual assault: Tools and other strategies
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics
Trauma-informed practice: Implications for health and public health systems
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics