Addressing the effects of violence and abuse to improve health outcomes for women living with HIV

Friday, March 20, 2015: 1:50 PM-3:10 PM
Mount Vernon Square A (Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel)
Erin Falvey, Ph.D., Christie's Place
Heather Arculeo, N/A, Christie's Place
Jay Blount, CAS, Christie's Place
Martha Zarate, N/A, Christie's Place

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand HIV/AIDS epidemic among women living with HIV in the US including prevalence of violence and abuse.
  2. Understand the impact of trauma and PTSD on health outcomes of women living with HIV including how trauma-related barriers impact successful engagement in healthcare.
  3. Learn strategies to increase trauma-informed practices in service settings.

Women living with HIV experience disproportionate rates of violence, abuse and PTSD. Trauma and PTSD are now known to predict poorer HIV-related health outcomes including inferior health-related quality of life, lower rates of HIV medication adherence, and higher mortality rates as well as decreased likelihood of condom use. In order to improve health outcomes, trauma-informed and culturally-responsive approaches and interventions that effectively address intersections of gender, violence and HIV must be considered integral components of healthcare and social service provision.

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