Thursday, March 29, 2012
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Friday, March 30, 2012
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
9:00 AM-10:20 AM
10:20 AM-10:40 AM
10:40 AM-12:00 PM

Healing in the aftermath of trauma: Support for survivors and professionals
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives

Domestic violence enhanced home visitation: Evidenced based findings for home visiting protocols
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

New safety planning strategies: An evidence based culturally sensitive safety planning tool, a rooming alone policy that supports safe screening and lessons learned from ten years of statewide public health response to domestic, elder and sexual violence
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Interactive theater and digital stories to promote prevention and clinician education
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Long term health impact of violence across the lifespan: Cancer hematologic measures, lower back pain and BMI
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Cost effectiveness of DV interventions and the World Health Organization guidelines on VAW
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change

Innovative health systems responses to victims of DV and victims with disabilities
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change

Taking clinical changes statewide: Bringing DV and health programs together to promote prevention and improve health and safety
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

12:10 PM-1:10 PM
1:25 PM-2:45 PM

Health and safety outcomes for abused women following a shelter stay compared to applications for protective orders
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives

Reducing health care disparities in primary care settings: Interventions for domestic violence re-victimization and post-traumatic stress
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Strangulation: Impact on health and innovations in assessment and documentation
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers
The adverse childhood experiences study and the future of health care: A premier screening of the new ACE study DVD
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Impact of IPV, HIV, and substance abuse on women's mental health
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Supporting the health needs of women in shelter: Exploring traumatic brain injury and reproductive coercion
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

2:45 PM-3:40 PM
3:40 PM-5:00 PM

Creating cultures of wellness in family violence programs: Experiences from Texas and Virginia
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives
Advocacy and Survivor Perspectives

Violence and reproductive coercion: Assessment strategies for pregnant women, and client feedback to inform what works
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Core competencies for health professions on IPV and interdisciplinary approaches to education
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

Trauma, violence, and STI/HIV: Assessment, empowerment, and follow-up care
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Veterans and IPV: Screening, resistance violence, and PTSD
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Workplace responses to IPV: The advocate's role, and health care responses
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics
5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Saturday, March 31, 2012
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
8:00 AM-9:20 AM
9:20 AM-9:50 AM
9:50 AM-11:10 AM

Danger and lethality assessments: Preventing IPV homicide by identifying high risk victims
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

I have had that problem too: An interactive workshop addressing the lessons learned by domestic violence program coordinators and advocates in healthcare settings
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Innovative approaches to educating pediatric residents, social workers and medical students
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

IPV, maternal mental health and postpartum depression: Impact on child behavior, and a good practice nurse care model
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Veterans, PTSD, and building community/VA partnerships to support women and couples experiencing IPV
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

A transnational response for victims of IPV: Best practices, immigrant barriers and a Vietnam case study
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

A health care approach to screening and intervention in American Indian communities
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics

11:25 AM-12:45 PM

IRIS project: An internet based safety decision aid for survivors of IPV
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Impact of a DV support group in a primary care office, a New Zealand case study, and integrating culture and faith for IPV prevention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Neurological consequences and related traumatic brain injury among abused African-Caribbean & African American women
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Physical and mental health consequences of IPV in African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander and Latino communities
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Promoting health systems reform: Toolkits and strategies to create, measure and maintain comprehensive responses
Health Policy and Systems Change
Health Policy and Systems Change

Training promotores in family violence prevention for the Latino community: Models, tools, and outcomes
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

1:00 PM-2:00 PM
2:10 PM-3:30 PM

Responding to older victims of abuse and neglect: The role of health care providers
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention
Domestic Violence Assessment and Intervention

Challenges in addressing violence-exposed patients in the clinic: Fostering resilience in patients & ourselves
Educating and Engaging Providers
Educating and Engaging Providers

PTSD, suicidality in African American and African-Caribbean women, serotonin and sensorimotor psychotherapy
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan
Health Impact of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan

Public health impact on women and girls in the sex trade: Associations between violence and reproductive health, STI/HIV and a Boston case study
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

Starting at home: Statewide home visitation programs and responses to DV
Public Health and Prevention Programs
Public Health and Prevention Programs

Arts-based and dance therapy for survivors in shelter and mental health settings
Special and Emerging Topics
Special and Emerging Topics