Pre-conference Institutes
Thursday, March 29, 2012
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Pre-Conference Institute: Advancing health system change and strengthening community partnerships in American Indian/Alaska native communities
Pre-Conference Institute: Promoting healthy relationships & preventing teen dating violence in the middle school years
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Pre-Conference Institute: Building and strengthening healthcare-based domestic violence programs
Pre-Conference Institute: Building the cultural capacity to support sexual assault survivors from underserved communities
Pre-Conference Institute: Collaborating for safety: Coordinating the military & civilian response to intimate partner violence
Pre-Conference Institute: Cultures of wellness: Integrating health services into domestic violence programs
Pre-Conference Institute: Rethinking evidence: Expanding approaches to include practice-based evidence
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
Pre-Conference Institute: Developing a research and academic career with a focus on violence
Pre-Conference Institute: Intersectionality and gender based violence
Pre-Conference Institute: Project connect grantee meeting
Pre-Conference Institute: What's your role in ending violence against women on campus?
Pre-Conference Institute: Working at the intersection of domestic violence, substance abuse and mental health: Creating trauma-informed services and organizations
5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Pre-Conference Institute: Domestic violence clinical skills training for health professional students