The new Americans with disabilities act amendments act (ADAAA) applied to abuse and trauma: What you must know

Friday, March 30, 2012: 3:40 PM-5:00 PM
Pacific H (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Karin Huffer, PhD, MS, MFT, LVAA

PDF file PDF file

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify a syndrome associated with both symptoms of trauma and the legal system
  2. Outline the four components in a Standard of Care for a specific population of traumatized litigants
  3. Recognize the value in incorporating a mental health treatment protocol to cope with re-traumatization after diagnoses when participating in the judicial system
Victims of abuse and trauma represent a significant public health problem. Due to the legal processes that often follow victimization from violence and abuse, re-traumatization is unavoidable. It is the re-traumatization factor that is preventable and therefore treatable. The resulting psychological trauma can be a diagnosable syndrome that is covered under the ADAAA of 2009. As such, victims of trauma engaged in the judicial system benefit from Title II and Title III accommodations.