Day oneŽ: Enhancing services through technology and relationships

Friday, March 30, 2012: 10:20 AM-10:40 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Colleen Schmitt, BSW, Cornerstone Advocacy Services

Presentation Format:

Learning Objectives:
  1. learn about an effective model of providing immediate access to safety and services for domestic violence victims.
  2. be able to describe how integrating the use of technology into their daily strengthens their capacity to provide services and referrals.
  3. be able to list 3 reasons why creating and strengthening relationship-based networks among domestic violence providers in their regions will strengthen response to victims seeking assistance.
This session focuses on the promising practices of the Day OneŽ Model, a technology-based response system for domestic violence victims seeking services. The Minnesota Day One network has 56 emergency shelters and community-based programs participating, and after replicating the model, the City of Seattle, Washington region has grown to 21 programs. This presentation will explore how relationships between providers, technology and best practices enhance delivery of services.