Promoting healthy relationships in adolescent health settings: The health care, education, assessment and response tool for teen relationships (HEART) primer and training project

Saturday, March 31, 2012: 11:25 AM-12:45 PM
Nob Hill D (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Robin Kirkpatrick, LCSW, MPH, California Adolescent Health Collaborative
Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

PDF file

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Recognize the prevalence and range of adolescent relationship abuse (ARA) including uses of social media and the impact of ARA on adolescent health
  2. Evaluate a checklist on how to prepare their practice to be conducive to ARA assessment and practice scripts on how to integrate ARA discussions into routine adolescent care, including confidentiality and promotion of healthy relationships
  3. Identify strategies on how to build a collaborative model of care with local domestic violence agencies, rape crisis centers, mental health, law enforcement, and child protective services
The Healthcare Education, Assessment & Response Tool for Teen Relationships (HEART) Primer and Training Project has been developed to support providers to promote discussion of healthy relationships and to identify and respond to relationship abuse among their adolescent patients. This workshop will introduce participants to the HEART primer, present findings from evaluation and strategies for incorporating HEART into their adolescent health settings.