Key considerations for co-occurring intimate partner violence and substance abuse for treatment/service providers

Friday, March 30, 2012: 10:20 AM-10:40 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Dawnovise Fowler, PhD, Centers for Disease Control, Natl Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Nidal Karim, Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control, Natl Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Presentation Format:

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand the dynamics of co-occurrence and intersectional issues affecting women IPV survivors with substance use problems;
  2. Understanding issues and challenges associated with service/treatment delivery and provision for this population;
  3. Understand the implications for programmatic and policy change across service settings and treatment systems to more comprehensively address co-occurring IPV and substance abuse among women.
Co-occurring intimate partner violence and substance abuse among women presents unique challenges for treatment/service providers. The lack of coordinated and integrated intervention development and research in mental and behavioral health is startling given the prevalence and subsequent risks for this population of survivors. Key philosophical, programmatic, and policy implications for the implementation of integrated services and interventions will be presented as a more comprehensive approach to helping women IPV survivors who abuse substances.