Community based participatory research in action: Integrating the voices of survivors and advocates into research on intimate partner violence

Friday, March 30, 2012: 10:20 AM-10:40 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Catherine Mazzotta, LCSW, Alternatives for Battered Women, Inc.

Carly Wise, M.S., Survivors Advocating For Effective Reform (SAFER)
Kelly Bellenger, BS, University of Rochester School of Medicine
Ellen Poleshuck, Ph.D., University of Rochester School of Medicine
Catherine Cerulli, J.D., Ph.D., University of Rochester School of Medicine

Presentation Format:

This poster demonstrates the application of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) principles to conduct a mixed method study exploring the health needs of survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) and barriers to seeking support and services. IPV survivors, advocates, researchers, providers and community members have differing yet interdependent perspectives which highlight the complex health consequences of IPV. The study team comprised of multidisciplinary members developed, using CBPR processes, an IPV informed, effective and sustainable intervention program.