Pilot project "medical intervention against violence" - an intervention approach for medical pracitices of domestic and sexual violence - Germany

Friday, March 30, 2012: 10:20 AM-10:40 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 7 (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Hildegard Hellbernd, Magistra, Public, Health, MPH, S.I.G.N.A.L. e.V., Koordinierungsstelle
Karin Wieners, Magistra, Public, Health, MPH, S.I.G.N.A.L. e.V., Koordinierungsstelle

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Learning Objectives:
  1. Know about situation and work of intervention programms in health care in Germany
  2. know about methods for a better linkage between the psycho-social support system and medical practices in Germany
  3. know about structural changes, needed for anchoring the intervention programm in medical practices in Germany
Physicians have unique opportunities in prevention and intervention on IPV. However IPV is often not recognized and there is a lack of brief intervention program in medical practices in Germany. The project, funded by the German Ministry of Familie for 2008-2010 was implemented in 5 regions in Germany with more than 100 practices, mainly of GP and gynecological surgeries. The pilot projekt made a significant contribution to improving health care for patients suffering IVP.