Health care needs: Findings from the non-residential domestic violence services and supports study

Saturday, March 31, 2012: 2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Pacific H (San Francisco Marriott Marquis)
Eleanor Lyon, PhD, University of Connecticut

Presentation Format:
Scientific Program Report

Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify DV survivors' physical and mental health care needs
  2. Examine the extent to which DV programs meet survivors' physical and mental health care needs
  3. Evaluate how race/ethnicity/culture and length of US residency intersect with health care needs and service experience
This presentation provides results from a multi-state study of 1,467 domestic violence survivors from 90 programs about their experiences with non-residential services and supports. Results focus on their physical and mental health needs and the extent to which they obtained the help they wanted. Notably, nearly half of responding survivors were born outside the US. These and racial/ethnic/cultural data contextualize reported experiences with health care issues and service experiences. Policy and programming implications are highlighted.